Troop Beverly Hills 1989
I grew up selling cookies from door to door as a Girl Scout but my leader didn’t live in Beverly Hills, nor did she have a mansion, but we did camp out in the wilderness unlike the girls in this film who camp out in the Great Room of their Beverly Hills estates. To be honest though, I would have preferred the Beverly Hills way instead. After all they do learn a very valuable lesson and they do it in style. Being from a wealthy neighborhood, the other troops don’t give full credit to the troop; they assume that when it comes time to sell cookies, the girls’ parents will just buy all the cookies that they need to sell and their job is over, well not this year, not with Shelly Long as the leader. Just to prove that their troop is as good as any other, the girls order a huge amount of cookies and promise to sell them honestly. As in all 80s films, the girls pull it off and the ending is perfect and happy.
There is one ethical issue brought up in the film and that is the idea of using the scouts as a means to Shelly Long’s end. She goes through a divorce, as the divorce rate was increasing rapidly in the late 80s, and to prove to her husband that she is competent and not only good at shopping and spending, she takes on the duty of troop leader. While she does a fine job, her intentions aren’t to teach the girls life lessons but rather to amend her own broken marriage.
This childhood favorite didn’t turn out to be as sweet and innocent as I had expected.
Here is a peek at the list of characters and a story summary.
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