Sometimes, you've just gotta say "what the fuck".
Boy, does our main character from Risky Business say this or what? When teenager Joel Goodsen's parents go out of town things get crazy. Joel is a senior in high school who is working toward two main goals. The first, mainly a goal set by his father, get into Princeton. The second, a goal set by his friends, get laid. One night, Joel makes a call to a girl, a call girl. When Lana gets there, his second goal is essentially complete. When Joel cannot pay her, Lana takes his mother's crystal egg, worth way more than Lana's services.

A big shocker occurs when Mr. Goodsen's pride and joy, his 1979 Porsche 928, wheels itself into Lake Michigan. In desperate need of cash, Joel takes Lana up on her suggestion to set up their friends while making a profit at the same time. The two manage to make $ 8,000 in one night. At the same time this party is going on, Joel has his interview with Princeton.
The next morning Joel returns home to find all of his furniture has been stolen. He knows it was Lana's pimp and manages to get it all back moments before his parents arrive home.
Risky Business is the ultimate teenage dream. This kid manages to throw a party while making huge cash, get himself into Princeton, get a girlfriend, lose his virginity, and have the best weekend of his life, all without getting caught. What s great story for the grand kids.
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