Yet that is the central message of this sharp witted, strange, quick action movie. Wanda (Jamie Lee Curtis) is a use ‘em and lose ‘em kinda girl with her eye set solely on money that she helped steal from a bank. She will do what she needs to and use who she needs to and is not really into sharing; yet she loves other languages. Sounds like a real great character right? Well, even though I was stunned by how many men she could seduce in a day and then treat badly, I still wanted her to win. So whether she was lying to her first boyfriend, George (Tom Georgeson), trying to ‘off’ the second one, a dumb, fish-eating, definitely not her brother, Otto(Kevin Kline), breaking up the marriage of the third guy, an easily corruptible lawyer, Archie (John Cleese), or leading on poor, stuttering Ken (Michael Palin), the audience wants her to find the money. Well, through a series of English-bashing comments, blundered actions, and interesting phrases, she does get the money but also seems to decide that Archie is a good guy, and they fly away together with the money to start… wait a minute… a leper colony! Because, hey, even though she was only using him and interested in his money, was leading on two other guys at the time, broke many laws he swore to enforce, and was going to leave him behind when she flew to Rio, he still loved her.

So if you are not deterred by dogs being systematically killed off, a promiscuous leading lady, or some foul language, I would recommend watching this film. You may not sit there and think about how 80’s it is, but you will chuckle. It is sort of long and is not the funniest film, but hey, laughter is good for your mental and physical health, so any amount of it is good!
So if you are not deterred by dogs being systematically killed off, a promiscuous leading lady, or some foul language, I would recommend watching this film. You may not sit there and think about how 80’s it is, but you will chuckle. It is sort of long and is not the funniest film, but hey, laughter is good for your mental and physical health, so any amount of it is good!
1 comment:
For quite a while there was talk of a Wanda sequel. It never came about, but the four main actors did make a movie together about a zoo/animal park. It wasn't as good as Wanda, but interesting to see the 4 actors interact again.
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