Friday, December 08, 2006

Ski Patrol

Ski Patrol

Now that I am back home in Rhode Island, I had to go down to Blockbuster and rent a couple of 80’s movies to finish up the semester’s blog requirement. Since it is about 20 degrees here (not like 80 when I left) I figured 1990’s Ski Patrol might be fitting. This is basically your classic 80’s slapstick comedy starring the only notable name that looks familiar, George Lopez. Now if you have 91 minutes of pure boredom maybe you might want to pick this movie up but even then I wouldn’t recommend it. The basic plot line is that a ski resort is being threatened to get shut down and taken over by a developer who is then going to build on what was once the ski mountain. The only hope left lies within the out-of-control ski patrol and its members. The developer realizes that the only way to shut down the resort is to create a few problems on the mountain and damage the immaculate safety record that the ski patrol has upheld for so many years. The only other person that I had seen before in this movie was the guy from the original Saved by the Bell, the janitor Milo I think his name was, T.K. Carter. I originally rented this movie because I enjoy skiing and you just don’t see too many skiing movies- now I know why… This was just poorly thought out even for a comedy of the 80’s. Next time you pass this title in your favorite video store just keep on walkinnnnn

Check out the trailer if you don’t believe me…

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