The Princess Bride (1987)
It was interesting to me when director/screenwriter Ali Selim told Dr. Cummings' class that one of his favorite movies was The Princess Bride. I vaguely remembered a fairy tale involving a Princess and her lover and of course the line, "She kissed me, She kissed me" from an old man whose identity I am still not certain of as the Prince's father is recently deceased. Upon seeing our somewhat confused expressions Selim asked, "who is the main character of that film?" I quickly said, "that one prince guy that fights a giant" and was was quickly corrected. Selim responded, "The story is about a boy and his grandfather." That storyline rang a bell and I decided to revisit the film and blog about it here.
The film is indeed about a young boy (Fred Savage, well known from the Wonder Years) and his grandfather. The film opens with the grandson bringing the boy a "special gift", but the boy is much more interested in his video games. The grandfather gets his way, as grandparents have a way of doing. The young boy quickly becomes enchanted by the love story of Westley (Cary Elwes) and Buttercup (Robin Wright Penn), but wants nothing to do with the "mooshy kissing stuff".
What's interesting about the film is that if just the story of Westley and Buttercup was told
1 comment:
if i remember correctly, the book, which came first and was written by the same fella who did the screenplay William Goldman, featured a similar narrative device.
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