Thursday, November 16, 2006

Mississippi Burning (1988)

“1964. When America was at war with itself.”

Gene Hackman and William Defoe star in this intense and very powerful ethical movie. It is set in the racially tense era of the sixties in Mississippi, where the town is largely prejudiced against African Americans. A cold-hearted murder sets the tone for this movie, as FBI Agent Rupert Anderson (Gene Hackman) and Agent Alan Ward (William Defoe) investigate and get to the dirty truth of this. It is very interesting because Rupert and Alan are like complete opposites, and so are the many views of the town. It is horrible to see this hate between black and white in the movie. I felt very uneasy at times because this movie does not hold back and shows many heartless murders and crimes. You can really feel the emotions of the people who have been hurt in the movie because the movie really displays the horrors of the result of the hate that went on. You really do see this as there is scenes of a black man being hung, people being beaten after leaving a church, and the often occurrence of bricks that are thrown through windows. Other than that, I do have to add that I cannot stand Gene Hackman’s southern accent in the movie, because it is so put on and fake! But other than Gene’s horrible rendition of a southern person, the acting is definitely top notch because you can feel the intensity in the movie. Overall, the movie is very powerful and makes you thankful that you were not in this place of injustice and hate.

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